Purer Things for Better Life

Our Principles

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The owners and management team of Agno Pharma recognize that our company must earn the right to conduct business. We do not assume that this right is a given, but rather that it is possessed by those companies that, over the duration of time, show themselves to be founded upon a strong sense of decency and high ethical standards. Our strong sense of decency is rooted in the individual personal beliefs of the company's owners, and it manifests itself in all of our relationships. These relationships include those within our own company, our employees, our community, our clients, our suppliers, our environment, and our country. Our ethical standards are the highest. As we endeavor to conduct business, meet our fiscal goals, meet our personal goals and grow, we recognize and practice the following guiding principles:
1. Agno Pharma is Competitive in Business
2. Agno Pharma Values Its Employees
3. Agno Pharma Honors Its Agreements and Performs For Its Clients
4. Agno Pharma Treats Its Suppliers Fairly.
5. Agno Pharma Is a Good Neighbor to Our Community.
6. Agno Pharma Does Not Endanger the Natural Environment.
7. Agno Pharma Honors and Upholds the Laws of the State and of the Nation.
Vision and Mission Statements
Our Principles
Management Team
Project Management
Quality & Compliance
Facility & Equipment
IP Protection